Richard Hart

Head of Something @ Somewhere
Kent, UK

My Music
My Photos


It’s my data

Recently I’ve been working on migrating an existing e-commerce site from InstanteStore to Spree and have been having a nightmare of a time trying to get the client’s data out so that I can start the job of importing it all. The trouble is a lot of the information is not exportable, and whatever data is available is only half of what you would expect. It’s starting to make me angry because as far as I’m concerned that data belongs to my client, and to add insult to injury, to get access to certain parts of the data they want to charge extra money to “build an interface” to it.

I can understand on free to use sites like Facebook/Instagram/Tumblr/Whatever-Startup that the price of usage might be my data and that I might not be able to take it and go elsewhere with it, but when you’re paying for a service I expect to have full ownership and access to my information.